Make sure to invite your fellow nurses to our forum!
The more the merrier, we all know nurses so let's invite them over and have more nurses to talk to here.
Let us know if you invite your fellow nurses and we'll make sure to give them a warm welcome.
The Virginia Tech Massacre is so horrific As nures we can all relate to the injured and dead. This is one reason we all become nurses to help people, God Bless all of you nurses ,mrp414 trauma R.N.
yes i did!!
yesterday i registered here and already i informed my friends and my sweatheart!!!!
pls send me any emails related to renal disease or any funnny e-mails to enjoy life.
i need more friends
well hello boys and from the the middle of nhs cuts and wondering just how on earth we will get through a shift as not enough on hand to see to pts who should come first as well as clean equip and facilities as used by each pt find time to aswer telephone deal with rels and visitors face to face as well as lost peeps and on top of all that complete paperwork monitor students educate fellow staff before dealing with doctors and other professionals whilst keeping head above water so to is everyone else coping.....audits and quality commision having to also be dealt with....