glenn_17 wrote:Hello guys!
I am a second year nursing student here in the philippines! can I ask if how hard to take an exam like NCLEX and IELTS it seems that all of my teachers who are planning to take those exams are afraid/nervous about it. they keep on talking about it...Is it hard?

Hi Glenn. Good for you to ask about these exams considering the fact that you're still in your 2nd year in Nursing school. Like most Nursing students, i'm pretty sure one of your goals is to go abroad after graduation...joining the bandwagon I would say. Go for it, with the right motives...
I had my education from the Phils. too, now I'm working here in the US & I'm so proud of how we're doing here as Registered Nurses. I can really say that Filipinos are world class workers given the proper training & exposure to latest technology...Going back to what you're asking, NCLEX is not really a super difficult exam. I would say CGFNS is more intense coz it has more objective type of question.NCLEX on one hand is situational and more on the application side and nursing judgment. Most questions are for entry level nursing so don't expect to find real mind boggling questions.Just stick to the basic stuff. I'm not also real familiar with IELTS coz I took TOEFL & TSE as my English proficiency exams. I did invest on my plan of coming here in the US, enrolling in intensive reviews and purchasing books just to pass these exams...but they were all worth it.
Now that you still have more time to prepare, do everything to materialize your goals. First of all,pass the local board coz it's like the fisrt step in the ladder.After that,other exams will follow...Nursing after all is not all about the bucks you'll be earning when you go abroad but the satisfaction you'll get when you help others get thru their suffering....God bless and keep aiming high...