Moving to Kenya
Greetings to the overworked and underappreciated
I am a 24 year old male looking to become an RN. I have a non-profit in Kenya, Africa, and my ultimate dream is to open a hospital/clinic in a little village we go to every year. This little area just received their first shower & toilet a few months ago -- they have nothing. Anyway - just setting up the question is, I'm not sure of the best route to take, education and job-wise, along with the length of time I should have experience in the US before I leave. My soon to be wife is also a nurse, so I'll have the help :wink: At any rate, we will be living there for a few years. My concern is that right out of school I will not choose the right job(s) in preparation for this missionary position. As an aside, time is not an issue for when we move. Any suggestions or comments would be most helpful! I just do not want to be shaking my head in retrospect years down the road. Thanks!