Re: Thanks
Judoka wrote:Thank you for answering my question, I find it imppresive that you work with 600 patients but at the same time I think it is outragous to put all this pressure on you! How fo you deal with that pressure?.
I think that people underestimeate te dgree of hard work nurses have to do in my eyes it is mostly harder than a physicians work.
How do you fined your work compared to physicians and how do physicians treat nurses?
Thanks for your asnwers (:
of the 600, about 50% have some sort of addiction or mental problem, but only about 20% have a serious mental problem. they are locked up, so they are safe, they can't use drugs, they can't hurt themselves without someone noticing right away, etc.
i handle it by prioritizing every day. the ones who need the help the most get it first, the others wait. some i never get to before they go home. but understand that this is the safest environment for them, as they often detox the first while anyway, so medication is not helpful until they have been sober for a few weeks.
a lot of my work is education. that is: you are safe here. this is what it feels like to be sober. you won't die from not getting mental health meds right way, as you were using on the streets and not taking your meds anyway, you will see the doctor in a few weeks, your evaluation with the doctor will be more accurate if you are sober for a few weeks, take your medicine as directed, give your medicine 4 weeks to work as it takes a while, don't use drugs while you are on medication, how do you plan to followup with mental health care when you leave here ..... etc.
ideally there would be 2 or 4 people doing my work, but its not the most stressful job i've had. i have learned to go home each day with my work not done, but knowing that everybody is safe and i've done the best i can.
there are 2 psychiatrists, each of whom comes out for 4 hours a week. i prepare their schedules each week. they treat me wonderfully. they trust my judgement and we are a good team. this is the most independent i've ever been in my work. except for ordering medication, i do everything you can do in mental health.
i work with my mind. i work day shift 4 days a week, and one evening a week. i have all weekends and holidays off. i never work a night shift. i have good benefits. i do not have the risk of back injury and other than walking all over the facility, this is not a physical demanding job.
i like it a lot. but the person who does this job has to understand how to triage and how to educate and how to be consistent between all inmates. if you can set good boundaries with yourself and others, you can do it. if you can't, you will go home everyday completely stressed out.