Should I apply to an Intership Program??? Please Help
Hello everyone

I have a problem and I hope you guys can help.
I graduated from my nursing program 6 months ago and I just took my boards Dec "08" I started looking for jobs and so far I've found a few I'm very intrested in. I've applied but still haven't had a response.
During my search I found a position for new grads -- it's an intership program. It's supposed to be a conbination of clinical and classroom experience; you are paired up with a preceptor and you are assigned to the ER, CCU, or Cardiac step down. You are employed FT, paid RN wages, but you need to work for the company for a total of 18months.
I have mixed emotions about this!!!!

I think the experience will be great but i don't know if I'm up for the challenge

Has anyone done an intership program before? did you enjoy it? was it worth it? did you gain anything out of it? please give me insight!!
Also, I've been called for an interview regarding another position I applied for -- which makes matters worse because now I don't know if I should wait for the internship program or go ahead and take the position at the hospital. I know the hospital will only train me for the floor which I applied for and then
possibly over time give me an opertunity to advance but...
what should I do? should I say something during the interview? Would it be too much if during the interview I tell them i need a week to figure things out??
Oh, Noooo
