Tue 21 Oct, 2008 10:11 pm
Go into specialty nursing?!?!?
I was just wondering if you all think that it is smart to go into a specific area of nursing right after graduating or if you think it is best to get experience in a med surg. setting to gain experience before going into specialty nursing?!?!?!
Where is your passion?
Do what you would love.
Nothing wrong with specialized just be aware there are deficits in your experience that you need to ask others for a second look at a patient when something different is going on. You could also stay up to date by taking generalized nursing CEs and subscribing to nursing magazines like Incredibly Easy Nursing or RN,etc.
all areas of nursing have m/s. no need to go there first unless that is what you wnat. i started of f on tele. then went to various other areas.