Tue 7 Oct, 2008 08:16 pm
Caring for the Dying Question
Throughout my career as a CNA, I have found that many RNs are very uncomfortable caring for the dying patient. My philosophy on caring for the dying is let them have what they want to make them comfortable and happy before death. What are some ways I can help a RN become more comfortable with this situation? What are your thoughts on caring for peole that are dying?
is still need some input on this topic...any hospice nurses out there?
i pretty much give them whatever they want. dont nitpick if the morphine isnt due for another 20 minutes etc just give it to them is my attitude. i am sure one day it will bite me in the ass but oh well. i also try to treat the family alot better then i do the rest.
i completely agree... it's not like we're doing anything to save their life. I know i want to die comfortably and the way I want!
i try to provide everything that the patient and the family member want and need. what helps me a lot is when my fellow co-workers which also includes CNA, to simply support me and provide word of encouragement.
By the way, does anyone filter these posts? I know this is an old post.. but it seems like its getting spammed?
Yes, I am working on cleaning up the spam. There was just a lot that went through so it's taken a little long. Thanks for your patience.