Career advice: L&D / Trauma ?
Hello, everyone! I'm a graduate nurse who is taking the NCLEX in a few weeks. I'm currently looking for a job, but need advice on where I should go...
My original plan was to get a job at a trauma step down unit for a yr or more, then later work on an L&D/nursery unit. I absolutely loved L&D, but I really had a lot of fun on the trauma unit and wanted to work there for a while so i can have experience in both fields (adult, then later pregnant women and babies); I eventually would like to get my masters and become a nurse midwife.
However, a nurse who works on a cardiac unit who is trying to switch to L&D has told me that i should just go straight into L&D b/c she can't switch over b/c she doesn't have the right experience and since she isn't fresh out of nursing school, doesn't know as much about L&D/babies (that's what they're telling her)
If there's any L&D/Nursery RNs here- is this true or not? Is it better to go straight into L&D or can i work in trauma first? I would really appreciate the input
